Welcome to Songbooks!

Songbooks is a web site for creating books of song lyrics and chord using the SongPro format.

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Site Updates

Saturday, June 29th 2024

  • Book PDFs now have an "Outline" component which should allow for easier navigation in PDF viewing apps.

Tuesday, June 25th 2024

  • Songs added to Books are now placed at the end of Book so only the Table of Contents and additional songs need to be printed.
  • The Song order in a Book can be "refreshed" so they are re-sorted alphabetically by title. This option would require fully reprinting physical copies.

Sunday, June 23rd 2024

  • Bug Fix: Books without any songs now render a blank PDF instead of generating an error.

Saturday, June 22nd 2024

  • User can now add Artists.
  • Songs are now assigned to Artists.
  • Artist pages list all Songs associate with that Artist.

Friday, June 21st 2024

  • Users can now create Books with collections of Songs.
  • Each book generates separate Guitar and Ukulele PDFs.
  • Recently added books are featured on the homepage.

Friday, June 14th 2024

  • Bug Fix: Personal Song PDFs now generate correctly.
  • PDFs now load faster.

Wednesday, June 12th 2024

  • Guitar and Ukulele PDFs are now generated in the background and stored on Amazon S3 for faster access.
  • Known issue: Personal Songs PDFs currently do not generate correctly due to permissions issues.

Friday, June 7th 2024

  • Chord diagrams in Songs now fit better on mobile devices.

Thursday, June 6th 2024

  • Songs you create can be flagged as Personal so only you can access them.
  • Recently added songs are now featured on the homepage.
  • You can now toggle between Guitar and Ukulele chords when viewing a song.
  • You can now download a Ukulele PDF for each song, in addition to the Guitar PDF.
  • Site updates are shown on the homepage ;-)

Tuesday, May 28th 2024

  • The song editor now shows a preview as you make changes to a song.